Medicare System


“The Salvafix Smart improves and facilitates the work of both assistants and nurses”.

Interview with Silvia, TCAE auxiliary Pere Mata Institute.

Silvia has been working as a nursing assistant (TCAE) at the University Hospital Institut Pere Mata (Reus) for 19 years. She has been one of the professionals who has participated in the implementation of the pioneering Salvafix Smart® system of Medicare System, an innovative solution that allows for the first time to trace mechanical restraints and record and monitor, in real time, its application procedure in hospitals and health and care centers.

We have previously interviewed Miquel Ragull, Head of Mental Health Nursing at Mataró Hospital; Amaia Falcon Vallespí, nurse at the Acute Unit of the Institut Pere Mata University Hospital and, from a hospital technological application point of view, Guillem Rico, one of the IT specialists of the Pere Mata Group.

What benefits have you seen since the implementation of this new Salvafix Smart system?

One of the benefits is the ease of restraint registration. Specifically, the ease, efficiency and reliability of the system. Also, the fact that the information in the patient’s history appears automatically, and not have to waste so much paper writing down data for so long. This system improves and facilitates the work of both the auxiliary and the nursing staff since at a glance, in the clinical history on the computer, you can make remarks, or check aspects such as whether it is complete restraint, or whether it is cross restraint, all in a simple way. Moreover, because everything is recorded, clearly, without any paperwork to rummage through.

Did you find the Salvafix Smart application procedure easy way?

Yes, it is quite comfortable and very easy to install and read.

What about data registration?

Yes, it is very convenient to use the PDA. It’s like a cell phone, you install the program, and you have it, it’s certainly not difficult at all. 

Did you find it easy to read the intelligent devices systems with the PDA?

In the beginning, you must get used to reading the RFID, but once you get used to it, it reads very well, at a distance, and without any difficulties.

 Did you find it easy to navigate through the application software interface?

 Yes, it is very practical to check the devices you own, the ones you have active, in use, or the ones you have in the laundry, in a clear visual way. It’s very easy to check everything.

 Do you think it saves time in recording data compared to the previous method you were using before?

Yes, it saves time, because the information goes directly into the clinical file, and because you can check notes entered by all the staff. In addition, the time and paper savings, and the fact that all the data match with nursing, assistants and physicians.

Do you consider that has improved the efficiency in the recording and processing of patient data and the subsequent analysis of the information?

Yes, because previously it was more challenging since, for instance, a nurse would record a particular time, and the assistants would have another time recorded. Now everything fits in.

What is the main motivation behind the implementation of this intelligent system in your hospital?

It’s about making the work easier, saving time and gaining efficiency.

What results have patients seen after implementing this system?

The patients have not perceived a big change because the devices are still of the same design. At first, they were a bit surprised by the PDA, but there has not been any significant change for them.

 How do you assess the overall impact of this new technological creation in minimizing mistakes in the clinical procedures of mechanical restraints?

Before there could be some mistakes in the sense that a procedure could be left open, and not register that it had been closed. Now you simply pass the PDA through the code and the patient’s entire clinical history comes out, from the beginning of the restraint to the end.

Find out more information about Salvafix Smart, contacting us here.
