Medicare System

We are celebrating! FAGEM Award and our attendance at Medica 2024

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded by FAGEM award (FEDERACIÓ D’ASSOCIACIÓS I GREMIS EMPRESARIALS DEL MARESME) for our Business Trajectory, a recognition of our 30 years of innovation and commitment in the healthcare sector.

This achievement is also a recognition of the commitment of all our team towards creating solutions that improve medical care and optimize processes around the world.

Find out more about our solutions at Medica 2024: Hall 5, Booth D25.

We are pleased to attend another year Medica 2024, the world’s largest medical trade fair in Düsseldorf. From November 11-14, we will be there showcasing our latest products and innovations. If you are planning to come, you will be very welcome at our booth in hall 5 -D25!


Do not hesitate to contact us for more details or to arrange a meeting with us.


Thank you for joining us.
